Mini 2: Confirmation Bias


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Knobloch-Westerwick, S., Mothes, C., & Polavin, N. (2020). Confirmation bias, ingroup bias, and negativity bias in selective exposure to political information. Communication Research47(1), 104-124.

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Oswald, M.E, & Grosjean, S. (2004). Confirmation bias in Pohl, R. F. (ed.), Cognitive illusions: A handbook on fallacies and biases in thinking, judgement and memory (pp. 79-96). Psychology Press.

Wason, Peter C. (1960), "On the failure to eliminate hypotheses in a conceptual task", Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology12 (3): 129–40,

Zhou, Y., & Shen, L. (2021). Confirmation Bias and the Persistence of Misinformation on Climate Change. Communication Research, 00936502211028049.


Episode 6: Bioshock 2


Episode 5: Bioshock