Episode 8: Godzilla

Image from legion of potatoes on tumblr.

Image from legion of potatoes on tumblr.


Anisfield, N. (1995). Godzilla/Gojiro: Evolution of the nuclear metaphor. Journal of Popular Culture, 29(3), 53-62.


Cho, Y. F. (2019). Remembering Lucky Dragon, re-membering Bikini: worlding the Anthropocene through transpacific nuclear modernity. Cultural Studies, 33(1), 122-146.


Miyamoto, Y. (2016). Gendered bodies in tokusatsu: Monsters and aliens as the atomic bomb victims. The Journal of Popular Culture, 49(5), 1086-1106.


Ryfle, S. (2005). Godzilla’s footprint. The Virginia Quarterly Review, 81(1), 44-63.

List of all Godzilla pop culture franchises: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godzilla_(disambiguation)


Episode 9: It Follows


Episode 7: Parapsychology