Episode 13: Critical Race Theory

Image from Benjamin Slyngstad


Bell, D. A. (1995). Who's afraid of critical race theory. U. Ill. L. Rev., 893.

Bronfenbrenner, U. (1992). Ecological systems theory. In R. Vasta (Ed.), Six theories of child development: Revised formulations and current issues (pp. 187–249). Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

George, J. (2021, Jan 11). A lesson on critical race theory. Human Rights Magazine, 46(2). https://www.americanbar.org/groups/crsj/publications/human_rights_magazine_home/civil-rights-reimagining-policing/a-lesson-on-critical-race-theory/

Helms, J. E. (1997). Toward a model of White racial identity development. College student development and academic life: Psychological, intellectual, social and moral issues, 49-66.

Kaplan, L. S., & Owings, W. A. (2021). Countering the furor around critical race theory. NASSP Bulletin, 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1177/01926365211045457

Salter, P., & Adams, G. (2013). Toward a critical race psychology. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 7(11), 781-793. https://doi.org/10.1111/spc3.12068


Episode 14: Squid Game


Mini 3: Dunning-Kruger Effect